At the Association's General Membership Meeting held on July 31, 2010 our Treasurer, Bruce Moore reported that our general operating expenses were exceeding dues income and general donations; and that if this trend continues we would be unable to provide our current level of services within a few years. The Board of Directors met after the General Meeting to discuss ways to reduce or cut expenses where possible and to determine if a restructure of our Memberships and related Dues were in order.
As you know, the Association has not changed or increased its dues since 2000 in spite of the rising cost of operating expenses like postage and printing. We felt the nominal increase was both overdue and well justified.
After much discussion the Board approved a restructure of Memberships and related Dues as following:
Regular Membership with a annual dues of $25.00
Regular 5 Year Membership with a 5 Year dues of $115.00
Purple Heart Membership: Annual Membership with a dues of $10.00
5 Year Membership with a dues of $40.00
Note - This Membership has not changed and is only being offered to active-duty Purple Heart Recipients.
Members with an email address must then decide if they want solely a Company Roster or Era that they served in 506th, or a Roster of all Eras of the Regiment. Members without an email address will no longer receive a Roster of all Eras of the Regiment but will received solely a Company Roster or Era that they served in the 506th.
This change to Membership and Dues will be effective as of November 1, 2010 any new or renewal Association Dues received on or after this date will be counted as prepaid dues for 2011.